How to Keep Your Child’s Mind Sharp During Quarantine

There are over 74 million children under the age of 18 in the United States. In the past few months, children and their parents have been slowly adjusting the life in quarantine. Occupying a child’s time throughout the day can help to keep them focused and out of trouble.

If you have school-age children, your main goal should be keeping their minds sharp. Children who spend all of their time either watching television or playing video games grow tired of these activities quickly. Are you looking for ways to keep your child’s mind sharp during quarantine? If so, check out the information below.

Learn About History with the Help COBI

Finding activities that are both fun and educational is crucial when trying to keep your child’s mind sharp. If your child likes planes, ships, and history, they will love the building block sets made by COBI. The block sets they have in stock come in several different themes. COBI carries building block sets of Small Army military replicas, pop culture icons, and many licensed automotive products.

Not only will these sets teach your child about history, they also allow them to work with their hands. Ordering a few of the products offered by COBI can provide you with hours of fun with your child.

Spend More Time Outside

Looking at the same four walls day after day can wear on a child. If you feel like your children are bored with being inside, find some outdoor activities for them to participate in. Going outside and tossing around a ball or taking a walk in nature can be lots of fun for kids. You can also turn these nature walks into teaching opportunities.

Teaching your child about the trees, flowers and vegetation in your part of the world is a great idea. Most children love learning more about their surroundings, especially if their parent is the teacher. If you have any state parks in your area, you need to think about visiting one. These parks are chocked full of activities for families. Going camping and roughing it for a few days can also teach your children to appreciate the modern amenities they have access to.

Keep Your Child on a Routine

Many parents have found it very challenging to maintain a sense of normalcy for their children during this global pandemic. If you are struggling with this, you need to work on developing a daily schedule for everyone to follow. This schedule should have details about when your child will wake up and what they will do throughout the course of the day.

Assigning daily chores or book reports is a great way to teach your children about responsibility and the importance of a good education. You also should incorporate daily exercise into the mix to keep your children physically fit.

Place an Order Today!

Are you interested in buying a COBI building block set for your child? If so, contact COBI today and let us help you place an order.

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.

Top Gun sets are almost here...


Explore and Learn: Benefits of Historic Building Block Sets from COBI