Using COBI Building Blocks in Home Learning

As a parent, you may wonder what you can do to make sure your child has the right skills to succeed in school. You might be surprised to realize that building blocks have been used for years as a valuable learning tool. A study conducted by Purdue University concluded that block play improves your child's school readiness. If your child is attending school virtually, using COBI building blocks can amplify and engage their learning. 

Use it as a transition tool.

At the end of your child's day, use building block play as a way for them to transition away from the virtual environment. Get the COBI block set ready for them to play with when you need them to go from one task to another or to give your child a break from screen time. Most importantly, make sure these toys are available and easily accessible to your child. You may be nicely surprised to see them engaging with these toys all on their own.

Make history a hands-on experience.

Is your child learning about world history? At COBI Building Blocks, we have sets built based upon specific periods of history, such as World War II, Vietnam, and more. Select any of these sets and do research with your child about how these pieces of machinery were used during battle. Your child will be fascinated to have this hands-on learning experience.

Travel around the globe.

If your child is researching different parts of the globe, the COBI playsets can help. Use our London Double Decker bus playset to take your child all the way to Europe. Add to the play by setting up posters that display important buildings and pretend your child is taking a tour across London. 

Go to outer space.

Is your child a fan of learning about our solar system? Use our space travel sets such as the Space Shuttle Discovery Set. Use this as an opportunity to learn about the planets and facts about our solar system. You may want to sign them up for the NASA kids club, which is a great way of getting your child excited about our universe and beyond.

Using building blocks in your child's play can do wonders for learning. Evidence shows building blocks can help language, problem-solving skills, spatial skills, and cooperation. It's also a fun way of giving them hands-on learning experiences. Build your child's imagination with COBI building blocks today.

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.

A New Generation for an Age-Old Hobby


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